Business master-class from Irina Khakamada
Educational center “Polyarnoye solnce” organizes business master-class from Irina Khakamada on the subject: “Three steps to success. Path to oneself. Dao of life”, which is oriented on directors and representatives of small and medium business
How can you achieve the state, when nothing disturbes you from being happy? Irina Khakamada shares her own recipe, which led her to success and which combines eastern philosophy, western business approaches and Russian culture of modern and postmodern. The program includes:
1. Success criteria. Principles and implements of success.
2. Quality of a personality in the XXIth century. Intelligence. Spirit. Physics.
3. Methods of organization of a superpersonality.
4. Skills and abilities of a proficient personality.
5. How to raise self-esteem, get rid of fears, make away with overwork and depression.
6. Struggle with procrastination.
7. Dao of life: path to oneself.
This master-class is not only for those people, who tries to find their way of life, but for successful and fulfilled people, for those, who want to live life to the fullest and get the most out of it.
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