Association of Tourist Enterprises  "Gulfstream"

04/30/2010 in the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Murmansk region / Severnaya (CCI MO) the constituent meeting of the Kola Association of Tourist Enterprises "Gulfstream" was held. In the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow region, it was decided to unite the tourist enterprises of the city of Murmansk and the Murmansk region to solve common problems in the provision of tourist services.

The goals of the Association:

  • providing practical assistance to tourist enterprises in their economic activities;
  • promotion of the region's tourism opportunities at Russian and international events held with the participation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region;
  • protection of the interests of the members of the Association;
  • establishing a constructive dialogue between entrepreneurship and public authorities;
  • creating favorable conditions for the development of the tourism sector in Murmansk and the Murmansk region;
  • improvement of the current legislation and participation in the improvement of regulatory legal acts aimed at protecting domestic producers;
  • development of entrepreneurship, support for new economic structures in the field of tourism;
  • dissemination of domestic and foreign experience in the provision of tourist services.

Members of the Association: travel agents, tour operators, hotels, hostels, recreation centers.

Association activities: took part in various events in the field of tourist services and hotel services, participated in the III and IV All-Russian congress of tourist associations, took part in the discussion of various regulatory acts, such as the draft Federal Law "On amateur and sport fishing" (2011), the draft Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation "On approval of the Regulations on the classification of hotels" (2018) and other documents. We are in constant contact with various media, have prepared several publications in newspapers and magazines of the Murmansk region, took part in various television programs on topical issues of providing tourist services. Participated in the work of various competition commissions. We are constantly in contact with various regulatory organizations, we carry out joint activities with them in order to improve the quality of tourist services. We develop various regulatory documents in order to comply with current legislation. We carry out work to identify illegal entrepreneurs. The members of the Association participate in various international projects that are carried out by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region.

Since 2020 The Gulfstream Association is a regional branch of the Russian Union of Travel Industry  Regional Branches ( .

President of the Association - Elena Viktorovna Medvedeva - director of the travel company LLC "Raduga Severa", Murmansk.

Responsible coordinator of the Association - Abozovik Irina Viktorovna, head of the Hotel Classification Body of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Moscow Region, an expert on certification of tourist services and hotel services, Murmansk. e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ;

Tel. (8152) 55-47-22, 55-47-20, 8921-272-05-85; Murmansk, per. Rusanova, 10, CCI MO